You should have noticed by now that a new icon appeared on your event notifier by the left of your screen. That's the Evo World notifier and thanks to the nerfing of LKC, the Evo World will be your ONE AND ONLY practical way of leveling from Lv 100 to 140.
Read the red text below if you are new to MapleStory, otherwise just skip it.
Beginners Guide, getting started with Evo World.
So what exactly is the Evo World?
The Evo world is basically a mini dungeon with 5 entries(30 mins per entry) per day unlocked at Lv 100. Once you hit Lv 100, a new notifier will pop up by your event notifier and then you will have do a a few short quest that is probably 5 minutes long before you can start using entering Evo World.
I hate to break to you all here, there will be absolutely no practical alternative out there that's even worth your time training on besides Evo World at this point. As a result, this entire guide will be dedicated to Evo World alone. However, there are some very important highlights that you need know to before using the Evo World, read the below guidelines to familiarize yourself with Evo World.
The few things that you need to know about Evo World:
1. You have only 5 entries per day, you will have to make each and every one of your entries count.
2. Each entry is 30 minutes long.
3. The Lv of the monster is directly correspond to yours unless, being manipulated.
4. Hp Cores boost the Hp of the monster as well as the Exp gain. [Important]
5. Link 3 and Link 9 is the only Link that matters, ignore the rest.
6. Partying with someone manipulates the Lv of the monster.
7. There is no party play bonus in Evo World unless a core is being used.
8. Do not party anyone unless absolutely necessary.
If you follow the guidelines above, you should do fine from here on.
Cores Guide
The Core is probably the most important component to the Evo World system. With the Cores, you can manipulate the Dungeon to maximize the exp you gain per entry. It is extremely important that you put the cores into good use in order to make each of entry meaningful.
To start with, you have 3 core slots that you can use. You can insert the core of your choice and once you enter the dungeon, the core will be consumed. Some cores can be bought from npc by the right while others, can be obtained through drops in the Evo World.
To simplify things, I will list out all the most important Cores that you will have to look out for:-
- Hp X5 Core (Shop)
- 30% Spawn Core (Shop)
- Lv +7 Core (Shop)
- Hp X10 Core (Drops only)
- Hp X20 Core (Drops only)
- Link 9 Access Core (Drops only, used to unlock Link 9 )
- 1st Slot Core Expansion Core (Shop, used to unlock 3 more Core slots)
- Juniper berry seed/flower Core (Shop) <- This core might seem useless, but you will thank me later on for this one.
Getting Started
You should always use at least the Hp X5 Core and 30% Spawn core for each and every one of your entries, this 2 core is pretty much mandatory unless you have better Hp Cores. Cores of the same kind won't stack, so if you are using the Hp X20 core, then you don't need a Hp X5 core.
Anyhow, this is the "main hall" of Evo World. You will always start here, follow the arrow to Link 3. This is where everything starts.
Link 3 Guide
This will most likely be your one and only stop up till Lv 140 and you will probably be using it all the way until you are Lv 165.
Mobs around here flies and every now and then, they gather at the middle of the map. They should be fairly easy to kill even with a Hp X5 core. Pick up the Evo coins so you can later purchase the 1st Core Expansion slot. Once you used the 1st Core slot Expansion Core, talk to ESS by the "main hall" and initiate the quest, pick up the etc and clear the quest. This should now give you 6 Core slots now.
Juniper Berry Seed/Flower Core guide
If you can kill the mobs easily, consider using the Juniper Berry Seed/Flower Core. They cost a hefty 800k each but trust me on this one, you will need all the Juniper Berry Seed you can get if you are planning on going beyond Lv 170. You might want to consider switching out your Mr Alli Familiar for a Big Spider Familiar on this occasion. Big Spider drop rate boost helps a big time in getting more drops.
You can dismiss this part if you are Demon Avenger, but you can still make mesos from it. You can sell Juniper berry seed and flower oil for some mesos if you are pissed poor.
Hp X20 and Hp X10 Core guide
You should know by now that both Hp X20 and Hp X10 Core are only available through drops. They are pretty rare in fact. If you do get them, they are excellent choice of Core if you want to maximize your Exp gain, but the reality is that not everyone can solo mobs with 20 times the Hp or even 10 times the Hp.
Before using such core, try asking yourself if you are actually qualify to use this cores. If you find yourself killing mobs with 5 times the Hp to be no trouble at all, then consider using them. Otherwise, if you are unsure, then try toning down the spawn by not using the 30% spawn core and the Lv +7 core, afterall, getting some exp is better than getting non.
To summarize things, I will list out my recommended Core combination, so just use whatever core I stated below if you have absolutely no idea what you are doing.
3 Core slots with no expansion:
For regular grind
1. Hp X5 Core
2. 30% Spawn Core
3. Lv +7 Core
For extreme grind
1. Hp X10/20 Core
2. 30% Spawn Core
3. Empty
Reason: If you are unsure, it's best if you leave the last slot empty, you don't want any misses here.
6 Core slots with Expansion
1. Hp X5 Core
2. 30% Spawn Core
3. Lv +7 Core
4. Juniper Berry Seed/Flower Core
5. Herb Drop rate Core
6. Any Core of your choice
To unlock Link 9, you will need to get the Link 9 Acces Core as a drop. Once you used the Link 9 Access Core, talk to ESS by the "main hall" and initiate the quest, pick up the etc and clear the quest. Link 9 should now be unlocked.
Link 9 Guide
I am going to be real honest with this one, this part isn't for anyone. The mobs on Link 9 is extremely strong with a ton of hp even without any Hp Core. They can dish out 3k of damage 5 times every hit and stuns like crazy. I recommend you to have at least 20k of hp and 170k range(Xenon) to even consider grinding here. Even so, you shouldn't be using any Hp cores under this situation. I would recommend you to use only the 30% spawn core and nothing else asides from that unless you are extremely funded.
After you are done with all the entries on Evo world, you are better off doing something else. Go get your Link skills or go scavenging for goods. Trying to grind anywhere else will be nothing more than a waste of your time. If you are Lv 140 above, move on to part 4 of the guide, link is down below.
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