Sunday, 23 June 2013

Farming Unleashed Coin

Well... That sure was a bumpy start for my blogging carrier but here comes the whole purpose of my blog, which is to improve your gameplay through providing tips and tricks.

    Weapon scrolled with Unleashed scrolls.

As many we all know, the Unleashed shop contains some of the best scrolls and rings that the game has to offer. But getting the coins are a major pain the in the ass if you are charging head on trying to take them off Cassandra forcefully.

To make things short, you can get 19 coins a day as of Unleashed part 1. 10 from the Warm tea quest, 4 from popsicle quest and 5 from the daily attendance. But to get this much coins, you will most likely be spending 2~3 hours completing all of them due the annoying popsicle quest.

So I came up with this method that you can get 60 coins a day by spending the same amount. Basically all you need is:

5 Lv 100 Character (optional)
A little bit of diligence

That's it. By looking at requirement I listed above, you most likely already got the gist of it.

To start it off, take the popsicle quest and warm tea quest. Proceed your way to Evo world Link 3 and hunt your Tea bags there. This should take you 2 minutes+ at most, talk to ESS on top right of the map, quit and take the quest again. Rinse and repeat until you reach the daily limit for Evo world. This should round you with 5 coins in 12~13 mins. Also, remember to use your Big Spider familiar, most class should be able to complete 5 runs before the Big spider loses one of it's orbs.Total: 5 coins

After that proceed your way to do the attendance and take the warm tea quest again. Pick the Tea bags while you are doing the attendance. Total: 6 coins

By the time you are done with the attendance, the Popsicle would be almost ready. Once you got the last coin, get out and change into your next character and repeat. Do not bother with the last 7 coin on each character as they are not worth your time. If you got the time, you could do more than just 5 characters. That's completely up to you.

Reallocating your resources and time is the key to this method.

Using this method, you should be able to buy 5 of those +5 wa scrolls by day 2 and  by day 4, you should be able to exhaust all the slots on your weapon.

The Veteran,


  1. Too bad you cant move the coins or scrolls within your account...

    1. Yep, that's probably the only downside. But there is no one real reason to move the coins from your inventory from the start. Anything from the Unleashed coin shop can easily be accessible in small sum of coins asides from those +9 Wa scrolls. But if you are trying to scroll weapons with those +5 scrolls, that can be easily done.

  2. I only have 2 characters on my new server so...24 coins ? Decent deal anyway, I can get more xenon books.

    1. You can also get Unleashed rings with it. I did 10 characters last week and got about 900m after selling all the rings. You can squeeze so much mesos out of this method without wasting much time on the game.

  3. You gonna do a meso guide or no? Whats next?

    1. Summer is almost over and I been feeling extremely sluggish lately and yes, I will a mesos guide sometime in the future. But first, I need to finish the last part of the leveling guide.

    2. Ok I really like everything that you have put up so far so keep it up :D

  4. I really like your post..!
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