Friday, 28 June 2013

MapleStory Unleashed training guide Lv 60~100

Since I figured most of the new player's wouldn't know where some of this training spots are, so I created a pathway listed as "Flow" to help them navigate through the game. There is 2 lines on each Flow, the first line indicates the map you are on and the second line tells which portal you should take.

You are in Windflower Forest.
4.Windflower Forest - 4. mid right portal
You should take the mid right portal and this will lead you to 5.

If you already know this places, you are free to skip the red text.



The Lv range I listed on each training ground is only use to give you a general sense on the Lv you need in order to proceed. But the reality is that, some classes are far too strong to be killing monster say... 5 or even 10 Lv above them, while some other classes doesn't even have the luxury to kill monster above them.

If you decided to kill monster above your Lv, make sure that the monster is no more than 20 Lv above you. The exp you gain from a monster that's 20 Lv above you starts to drop at a very steep rate, a monster with 29 Lv above you will yield you no more than half of it's original exp.

If your character is too weak, then try to keep your Lv to be 5 in range with the monster.

When using this guide, you don't have to be exact. Just keep it at your own pace.


Chapter 4

Congratz for hitting Lv 60.

If you picked an explorer(why would you?) or any class that doesn't have auto job advancement then it's time for you to get your 3rd job advancement.
In any case I won't be providing job advancement guide here so look around on youtube or another guide.

Now, head all the way back to Orbis Station Entrance.

1. Orbis Station Entrance-->2. Orbis Station to Ariant-->3. Ariant
1. Right portal-->2. New Continent(Ariant)

But this isn't our stop, we are heading to Magatia, but do remember how to return to Ariant.

1. Ariant-->2. Outside North Entrance of Ariant(Camel Cab)--> Magatia
1. Right portal before the last-->2. Camel Cab-->3. Magatia

Since the nerf on Jester and Aliens, Magatia would most likely be the new holy grail for speed leveling. This place dwells a wide range of monsters. It is possible to Lv from 60~100 without leaving, but the higher Lv monster tend to be unrewarding due to the average spawns.

For all intent of purpose here, I will not be using "Flow" here. Instead, just follow the map below. You can't possibly get stranded here. If shit hits the fan, just use a nearest town scroll.

Point A:

If you think you are too badass for small fry like Scorpion and Sand rat, just skip point A. Go to point B.

Lv 60~63 Scorpion and Sand Rat on Sahel 2

But if you are follow point A, head to Sahel 2. You will suffer a small bit of exp penalty from Scorpion but that shouldn't be a problem, triumph them with your 3rd job skills. But you must absolutely leave on 63. Don't stay here any longer, move to point B.

Point B:

Lv 60~69 Iron Mutae

As long as your character is doing enough damage, you are free to stay here. 3 Lv of penalty shouldn't be that bad. Stick to those platform and attack from above if you don't want to take any damage, this is probably one of the safest grinding spot in this guide. Once you hit Lv 69, move to roid and D.Roid.

Lv 69~83 Roid and Neo Huroid

You might take some damage here, but this mobs shouldn't pose threat to a 3rd job class. but if your class is an absolute weak sauce, you can stay on Iron Mutae for a little longer. Once you are done here, decide for yourself if you want to move Chapter 5 of this guide or you simply just want to save yourself the trouble and stay here. If so, move to point C. But I suggest you to just move to the next chapter, it's simply just more rewarding.

Point C:

Lv 79~?? Homonculus

Why didn't move to chapter 5 already? Y U NO LISTEN? Anyways, if I absolutely must pick a mob to kill from point C, it has to be the Homonculus. It's on the bottom floor of point C. I am too lazy to teach a disobedient and bad kid like you!

P.S: Spawn is bad on this map... Really? Just move to chapter 5 already.


Chapter 5

Good, now that you are here means that you are not wasting on crappy maps on Magatia.

This part will determine how you well you put up against mobs with their damage rising exponentially. It is important that you reap your rewards here and the Mr Alli familiar would proof to be a valuable asset to your addition.

1. Orbis Station Entrance-->2. Orbis Station to Mu Lung-->3. Mu lung Temple-->4. Herb Town
1. Right portal -->2. Crane-->3. Crane--> 4. Herb Town

From Herb Town, go all the way right until you reach Isolated Swamp.

Lv 79~100? Mr Alli

Your goal is to get 3 Mr Alli familiar and register it as your familiar. Due to highly favorable spawn, you might want to spend more time here. Getting more Mr Alli familiars could also give a bang to your wallet as this familiar are consider to be fairly valued in the market.

The Mr Alli familiar regenerates 15% of your Hp/Mp every 10 seconds. Having them on would strengthen your fortitude by reducing the usage of potion overtime or better yet, completely remove the necessity of your potions.

I highly recommend you to spend more time here as this would probably be the most rewarding grind spot this guide has to offer due the forgiving drop rate of the Mr Alli familiar. Even if you decide to move on without the familiar, then be at least Lv 85.
P.S: just so you know, it took my Xenon from Lv 79~88 to get all 3 Mr Alli.

Once you are done with getting all 3 Mr Alli familiar, you can move back 1 map from Isolated Swamp to Old Swamp but this time, take the portal on the top left and this will eventually lead you to.... Red Nose Pirate Den 2.

Lv 90~100 Captain and Kru

This map is easy to control with only 2 major lanes. Asides from that, there is not much to say about this map. Just keep killing here until you hit Lv 100... You probably won't find any better maps to grind on as of now. Once you are done here, it's time for Evo world...


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